Saturday, March 2, 2013

Falkland Islands

This was the highlight of the trip so far.

The crossing to The Falklands across the South Atlantic could have been shocking but it was very calm.

We woke up to bright sunshine and an almost cloudless sky, something that just doesn’t happen here!

We were booked on a trip booked from the internet and had to be as quickly as possible off the ship, it all worked perfectly and we were in a Landrover with a couple from the US.

The trip was too take us to Volunteer Point where many king penguins live. It was a true adventure, first a dirt road for an hour and then totally off road for another hour. But it was worth it!

There were many penguins in their natural habitat and you could get exceptionally close to them. Although Gillian does look remarkably like a penguin!

For me, the best part was going onto the beach and seeing them going in/coming out of the sea. It was quite magical!

A sea lion appeared looking for food, it’s favourite food being penguin and it was interesting to see the penguins leaving the water to make sure they weren’t lunch!

The return trip was just as exciting!

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