Friday, May 17, 2013

Back in the baby, new baby car! we are now back in the UK. The major piece of news that is now allowed to go on the blog is that our daughter Katy is pregnant and all being well we shall be grandparents towards the end of the year (OK so I don't remember the date!). So well done Katy and Matt!
We are back in the UK for a month with lots to do...the first was to get some wheels as we have no car(s)! This was ordered whilst away and is a pretty little Citroen and will give us the flexibility of a small car whilst we think about what Gillian will have.

Speaking of Gillian she has wanted to go part time from the next school year and this was agreed yesterday. So she will have a little more time to herself and her mum, Steve, Katy (and flump!)....and well maybe me too!
So with Steve getting married in a few months this is quite a time in the household.
The blog will be much less often but come back as no doubt there will be stories and updates!

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