Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Gone fishing

Gillian and I have never caught a fish or apart from on TV, seen a fish caught in our lives! Today Jimmy had rented a boat and we all went out, 10 of us through the intra-coastal waterway looking for good places to fish. It was quite fun made all the better by Beth bringing some champagne and orange juice.....cheers!

Within 5 minutes of the first stop, expert fisherman Sean Colvin had a bite......a catfish and very soon caught a stingray!

The stingray was more tricky to land as its tail carries a nasty poison.

Despite the success here we yearned for even more fish to took off again for another part of the waterway. It was a great trip, not much other boating traffic and some nice views along the way.

However the spot we chose was not so hot for fish so headed for 'Peanut Island' apparently a place where the fish were jumping. And jumping they were....soon Katie Grosso was joining the elite rank of fish catcher and Sean was also adding more to his tally. Not to be outdone by his sister, Ryan Grosso caught the prettiest fish of the day.

In the end we caught a total of 17 fish which was fantastic. All were put back in the water to be caught another day!

...oh yes and even I, never caught a fish before in my life turned in with a catch for the team!

It was a great day, thanks to James for thinking about the boat and all the various baits and rods and Beth for the alcohol!

The evening 'team' photo to follow!

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