Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Amman to Petra

To show my utter ignorance...I thought Jordan was pretty flat. It isn't!
Left hotel early this morning and proved that I had internet access in the car although too slow for pictures. Amazing. En route to Petra we stopped off at the mount where Moses came to die

I think had I been Moses knowing he had the weight of the world on his shoulders...I would have picked somewhere a little more hospitable.

It seems however that this area could, apart from the obvious things be stuck in a complete and utter time-warp.

By the sides of the roads the shepherds herd their goats and sheep and seem not to have changed in 1000's of years.

The houses, all the same, square blocks just as you remember them from seeing Nativity pictures.

Anyway I digress....but before them back to the sheep!

I thought this was a flat land. It certainly isn't. We were headed for their 'Grand Canyon' and it was pretty impressive!

When lunchtime came around the driver stopped at a bakery and purchased some bread still piping hot, some spreads and vegetables......and we then stopped at an entrance to a 1,000 year old cave where the owner gave us tea and showed us around. Everyone is so friendly!

Not quite sure what health and safety police would say about this!

The final stop was a crusader castle ruin where the soldier guide took a particular shine to Gillian. We were the only ones there!

Here is our soldier guide explaining to Gill where people were hanged in the Middle Ages

We are now in Petra which should be the highlight of the trip. But the trip today was great fun. Things we never expected to do or see......or enjoy!

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