Wednesday, November 7, 2012

At Sea

Well we have been at sea for the past two days and yesterday was horrible! Fog , wind and rain all day and for our family who went to Alaska they will know what it was like.
The fog was so bad at times that you could not see the sea from our balcony. However we decided that having been miserable all day we would go for a walk on deck, get blown around and we also played mini golf which was hysterical and Keith counted the ship moving my ball as a stroke!! We then sat watching the American Election for the rest of the day on CNN!

Last night was formal night and we lost another hours sleep, so now 13 hours ahead of you in England and 18 hours ahead of the Americans!

This morning we woke up and went for a walk on deck the sun was shining but it was still only 52 degrees. However apart from being blown over we found a part of the ship which was in the sun and had only a slight breeze so we braved it and sat outside. A few other brave people joined us during the morning and even though it was cool it was very pleasant.

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