Tuesday, November 20, 2012


We left Sydney on Monday morning and had an excellent flight (3hours) to Ayres Rock on QANTAS. We flew by the Rock as we landed and it really stands out on the landscape!
The Resort coach collected us from the airport, it was rather warm, around 95 degrees!  Our room was not ready so we walked around the Resort Centre and when we got back it was, so we checked in.
We were due to go to Sounds of Silence dinner and watch the sunset across Uluru but unfortunately bad weather moved in, clouds really eerie and strange colours, so it was cancelled.
So we went round to another hotel had a beer and a burger!

Tuesday we got up at 4am as we were going to a sunrise trip; unfortunately there was cloud cover so we did not see anything that we had expected which was disappointing.
Our guide was very informative though about the Aboriginals who live here and we had a couple of nice short walks.

On returning to the resort the weather was again cloudy, and we even had some spots of rain, the first rain since February!  The clouds cleared mid-afternoon and the sun was very hot.

We waited for  the sunset on our hotel balcony  with some champagne given to us by our hotel in Sydney, but unfortunately it was cloudy again!!

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