Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Started off looking around Melborne market where there are some great bargains. This is the place to come to load up with t-shirts and souvenirs except we have no room! Then onto Melbourne prison. For some reason Gillian appears fascinated by them!

The first part of the tour is the 'normal' visit to the cells although this prison that also despatched the death penalty included death masks of some of the prisoners. However the second part was quite fun as you were accused by a police officer of committing a crime, booked and locked up!

Came back to the hotel for a break and then off again to St Kilda on the tram as apparently every evening at dusk, small penguins come to sleep on the rocks by the end of the pier. They do!

So our last full day in Melbourne and Australia, can't believe we have been here for nearly 6 weeks! Tomorrow is going to be weird as we leave Australia eventually crossing the international dateline and will therefore have December 5th twice. So far this trip we have been ahead of everyone timewise but from tomorrow or today as tomorrow isn't for 2 days we will be behind UK/US! It's enough to make you want a drink!

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