Sunday, March 10, 2013


Up very early in the port of Valpariso but not early enough as there was some form of electrical outage that changed the time of Gillian’s phone/alarm clock as it didn’t go off until an hour after we were due to leave!
 The electronic safe also got knocked out so we couldn’t open that. Luckily other passengers had experienced the same problem and the tour was running late! Also luckily, as it was an early start we had got all our papers from the safe the night before!
 Got a coach to the capital of Chile, Santiago about 80 miles away. We passed beautiful countryside with the wine growing area in the foothills of the Andes.

 The day was very warm and sunny, temperatures are double what we had just 2 days ago so we have left the very cold weather behind.

We toured Santiago both on coach and foot and it was very pleasant. All appears to be very safe and Chile is certainly somewhere we would consider to come back and spend more time.
Had lunch in a bodega and we are starting to appreciate Chilean wines! In the afternoon we toured more of the town before returning back to the ship via a supermarket so people could buy some wine!
As we were leaving the port Gillian (aka Captain Ahab) noticed we had two whales following us!

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