Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Coquimbo Chile

Today we went on a trip to the Elqui Valley and Tololo Obervatory. It  was a long drive but the scenery was breath taking.

Elqui Valley is where they produce wine  and the ‘national’ drink,  Pisco. Here is a drink that lives up to its name. You only need two and you are very pisco!
On the journey up to the observatory  Gillian could hardly look out the window as it was a single dirt track road going up a mountain to 7500 feet in a huge coach!

Once at the top , the views were magnificent and we had an informative talk about theobservatory and saw the huge telescopes they use to watch the stars. They have the largest camera in the world for recoding images and have recently found new galaxies.

Outside, we felt that we were on top of the world, the views  and colours were just magnificent and the photos do not really do it justice.

Stopped for lunch on the way back down the valley and sat with a nice couple and Keith asked him what he did and he whispered  ‘I am the captain and this is my fiancee’; we did not recognise him!!

Had a pleasant lunch and good chat about ship life, no one else on the trip recognised him and we kept his secret as he would have been inundated with requests for photos….and he has offered us a trip to the bridge so assuming he remembers that will be fun!

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