Saturday, February 16, 2013

London/Sao Paulo/Iguassu

After an incredibly frantic day following an incredibly frantic week, Steve took us to Heathrow for the night flight to Sao Paulo, Brazil. We were fortunate as we had 2 free first class frequent flyer tickets. We had a couple of glasses of pink champagne (well yesterday was Valentines Day!)

As we were in First Class we had lay flat beds and could change into Pyjama's for the flight which everyone did!

Gillian took this rather unattractive picture of me with my pj's on...I must say I look very drunk......and they say the camera never lies!

The flight was 11 hours and we arrived exactly on time we both slept really well!

But this then meant a 6 hour wait in a domestic Brazilian terminal that wasn't much fun!

Eventually we boarded a local plane for the flight to Iguassu between Brazil and Argentina and site of one of the greatest waterfalls in the World. Kindly the pilot gave us a sneak preview as we came into land.

Our hotel is 2 minute walk from the falls and it is difficult to describe the sheer power of mother nature. We walked to the base of one of the falls seeing more wildlife in an hour than a month in Australia! There will be lots more waterfall pictures tomorrow but for now here's a sampler taken across the road from the hotel!

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